Megan Meacham
Megan Meacham (she/her) is the research coordinator for the Wallenberg foundation funded strategic research collaboration between the Natural Capital Project at Stanford University and the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University. Megan is also a fellow of the Wallenberg Foundation Research Exchange program on Natural Capital, Resilience and Biosphere Stewardship. Her research focuses on the actors, flows and dynamics of urbanization. She uses food and other ecosystem services to study quantitative and qualitative linkages between cities and their support systems. Megan is the founder and course lead for Ecosystem Service Assessments, an intensive short course for practitioners given at Stockholm University. Megan holds a PhD in Sustainability Science from the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University where she showed how social, geographic, and ecological dynamics relate to ecosystem service bundles. She advanced the ecosystem service bundle approach by testing accessible data, feasible methods and expanding comparability with other assessments.