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Flight image of a reservoir, which highlights both natural and agricultural land. Photo credit: Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay

Natural Capital Index/Nature's Frontiers, Global

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Quantifying potential improvements in economic returns, greenhouse gas emissions, water quality, and biodiversity through more efficient and effective land use change for countries globally. 


The Challenge:  
Estimating the integrated impacts of landscape configuration and land uses on multiple economic, greenhouse gas, water quality, and biodiversity benefits. The optimization analyses help identify multiple landscape configurations and management pathways to more sustainable and efficient futures for each country.

The Solution: 
Conducting interdisciplinary, spatial global analyses with collaborators at the World Bank. We are using the global version of InVEST's nutrient delivery ratio model. We are adapting existing models or developing new models for estimating economic returns from forestry, grazing, and croplands; and also for quantifying changes in biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions as a result of landscape configuration and land uses.

Project partners: NatCap at Stanford, NatCap at University of Minnesota, and the World Bank.  Funding: The World Bank; The Natural Capital Project

Project Category: Sustainable Development, PlanningSecure Freshwater 
Project Status: Current

The World Bank and the Natural Capital Project present "Nature’s Frontiers: Achieving Sustainability, Efficiency, and Prosperity with Natural Capital" at the National Academy of Science in Washington, DC on June 30, 2023. 

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Flight image of a reservoir, which highlights both natural and agricultural land. Photo credit: Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay

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