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Assistant Professor, Colorado State University

Andrea Baudoin Farah

Andrea is an assistant professor in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability at Colorado State University. There, she leads the TRILLAR Lab, which stands for “Transformations of Rural and Indigenous Livelihoods, Lands, and Autonomous Regimes” and is the co-director of the "Just Social-Ecological Transitions in Latin America" program (JSET). Previously, she was a postdoctoral scholar with the Natural Capital Project at Stanford University and has continued working with NatCap in Bolivia, trying to understand and communicate the impacts of land use change and climate change on livelihoods and ecosystem services in the Llanos de Moxos region (the largest wetland of the Amazon). She originally trained as an agronomist within agrarian systens and earned her PhD in interdisciplinary ecology at the University of Florida. Her interests include land tenure, land use change, livelihoods, food security and sovereignty, cross-scalar and territorial governance of natural resources, territorial indigenous autonomy, food security and sovereignty, ecosystem services and conservation, and urban-rural interfaces.


  • Si la Amazonía Queda en Silencio. (2024). Aportes Para La reflexión Y La acción Desde La Amazonía Boliviana.