Projects in Asia/Pacific
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Using Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) in Payments for Ecosystem Services (Beijing, China)
NatCap has contributed to the design of this project, which uses gross ecosystem product (GEP) accounting to guide payments for ecosystem services in the greater Beijing area.Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Landscape Assessment (BELA) Initiative, Global
The BELA initiative integrated natural capital and ecosystem service approaches into the World Bank’s operations – from inception to planning to implementation. The BELA work in 11 countries influenced nearly a billion dollars in development finance.People, Planet, Prosperity Philippines Pilot Project: Enhancing Integrated Watershed Management With Ecosystem Services Assessment and Valuation
This pilot within the People, Planet, Prosperity project will focus on training staff in The Philippines in conducting an ecosystem services assessment in two watersheds, and for using the UN-SEEA framework for valuing these services.People, Planet, Prosperity - People’s Republic of China Pilot Project: New GEP Account in the South Dongting Lake Region to Support Stewardship and Livelihoods
This pilot within the People, Planet, Prosperity project will conduct a baseline assessment of ecosystem services and create a new gross ecosystem product (GEP) account for the South Dongting Lake region.People, Planet, Prosperity Cook Islands Pilot Project: Financing Nature as a Solution for Flood Mitigation and Water Quality
This project will develop a guide for using natural capital approaches and economic valuation of ecosystem services in Cook Islands context and in ADB loan processes.People, Planet, Prosperity Sri Lanka Pilot Project: Watershed Investment Plan
Supporting food security, energy security & livelihoods through strategic management of the Mahaweli Watershed.People, Planet, Prosperity Armenia Pilot Project: Mainstreaming Natural Capital in River Basin Management
Integrating the role natural ecosystems play in ensuring ground and surface water quality and quantity into the Ararat River Basin Management Plan to enhance water security.Modeling ecosystem services for sustainable urban integration and planning (China’s Greater Bay Area)
We worked with the World Bank, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and local planners in Guangzhou to assess the value of natural capital in two different contexts: the Haizhu wetland and the New Knowledge City.Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) (China)
NatCap is working with our partners at the Chinese Academy of Sciences to develop scientifically rigorous GEP measures for use in pilots around the country.Ecosystem Planning in China
Through investments of more than US$150 billion in conservation and development initiatives since 2000, China has established the highest rate of reforestation worldwide.Earth Observations and Sustainable Cashmere, Gobi Desert, Mongolia
To help create a more sustainable and resilient rangeland system, a diverse group of interests is innovating together as the Sustainable Cashmere Project.Conserving Rivers though Strategic Trade-off Analyses, Nepal
Conserving Nepal's Rivers through strategic trade-off analyses.Hydropower in the Himalayas, Nepal
Working to target and value investments in natural capital and watershed management to reduce excess sediment to the Kaligandaki, a hydropower facility.Hydropower in the Himalayas, Pakistan
Working to target and value investments in natural capital and watershed management to reduce excess sediment to the Mangla Reservoir.Sustainable development planning, Jeju Island, South Korea
Improving the understanding of how the development of infrastructure and opportunities for tourists will change visitation to Jeju Island by Korean and international tourists.Hydropower in the Himalayas, India
Working to improve management of forest areas and demonstrate the value of those forests for sustaining the hydropower sector.Optimizing Forest & Landscape Restoration
Identified reforestation areas based on ecosystem services and their benefits to people.Payments for Ecosystem Services, Ankang City, China
Working to provide analysis of Payment for Ecosystem Services programs across China, such as the Sloping Land Conversion Program.Payments for Upstream Water Ecosystem Services in Beijing, China
Quantifying the benefits, costs, and livelihood implications of the Sloping Land Conversion Program.Nature-Based Urban Planning, China
Assessing urban ecosystem services and promote nature-based solutions in urban planning in China using InVEST tools.Natural Capital in Spatial Planning, Sumatra, Indonesia
Integrating natural capital valuation into spatial plans guiding development and conservation on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.Integrated Social Planning, Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia
Working to integrate ecosystem service considerations into integrated spatial planning in Mondulkiri Province in Cambodia.Strategic National Area & Spatial Planning, Kalimantan, Indonesia
Informing spatial planning in Kalimantan at island and district levels, motivating the designation of the Heart of Borneo as a Strategic National Area.Regional Planning & Rubber, Hainan Island, China
Assessing the regional planning implications of Ecosystem Function Conservation Area designations in Hainan Island.Road Planning, Myanmar
Informing development of a new planned road from Dawei, Myanmar to Thailand, and quantifying and mapping natural capital across the nation to support development and implementation of the country's Green Economy strategy.Flood Mitigation Assessment, Myanmar
Developing and testing a modeling approach to assess the flood mitigation service provided by natural ecosystems.Downstream Hydropower & Ecosystem Service Payments, Chamkhar Chhu River Basin, Bhutan
Assessing ecosystem services provided by the Chamkhar river basin to downstream hydropower projects and other stakeholders to enable the development and implementation of Payments for Ecosystem Services.